Circumstantial Evidence

I've been casually shooting photographs as the new year has rolled its way towards the end of February. (Already?) Most of the images feel somewhat disjointed from each other, and yet, to my eye, seem as though they could be contributing to a greater sense of narrative when taken as a whole. I refer to these photos as "circumstantial evidence." A fairly accurate description of this idea is:

...circumstantial evidence allows for more than one explanation. Different pieces of circumstantial evidence may be required, so that each corroborates the conclusions drawn from the others. Together, they may more strongly support one particular inference over another. An explanation involving circumstantial evidence becomes more likely once alternative explanations have been ruled out...

This is an ongoing series that I hope will develop into a book (or zine) at some point. Work in progress is always a nice way to keep solid commitments at bay.

Autumn: The dying light

A personal rite of autumn, always undertaken in late November, is a wander through the open space of the Rio Grande bosque. I am drawn to the scent of decomposing leaves, the squawk of passing cranes, the subtle touch of chill in the air as the sun recedes to the western horizon. "Media vita in morte sumus."

Looking down

Feeling darker than usual these days. Autumn is creeping towards winter. Daylight doesn't last long. Clouds gather on the horizon. What to do? I went for a walk, mostly with my head down. This is some of what I found. 

"Saudade" work featured in P3, a leading Portuguese publication

I am very proud to have a selection of my work from the "Saudade" project featured on P3, part of Portugal's leading publication for news, Publico

Click here to see the article (which is in Portuguese) but here is a translation:

The American Nick Tauro Jr. spent a month in Portugal in search of "saudade" and guarantees, it is almost palpable. In an interview with P3 he said other European countries not observed manifestations of this feeling, so private, so Portuguese. "It became evident on the streets of cities, architecture and routines I observed firsthand. I noticed that people have a great connection with its past, despite the globalization of the twenty-first century which is already very clear," he added. The feeling is contagious, he believes. "I quickly recognized the 'saudade' in my personal experience. It seemed to be manifested in unfamiliar surroundings. I found that I have a great predisposition to melancholy and nostalgia, and that's what allowed me to develop this project." Photographed in Porto, Lisbon, Braga, Fatima, Angeiras, Vila do Conde and Coimbra during an artist residency. Resulted from this work nine thousand photographs that spent three months editing to turn into eighty-publish under the photobook format by The Unknown Books. The photobook "Saudade" can be purchased through the publisher's website.