2017 has been a very productive year for me, creatively speaking. One of the areas I've been focussing has been self-publishing. With the availability and affordability of print-on-demand services like Magcloud and Blurb, anyone (yes...even you!) can easily publish their own book or magazine. The project I'm discussing here is a series of photos I created in 2015, while on a residency in Portugal. The town of Fatima is a well-known Catholic pilgrimage site. It is also a location rife with photo opportunities. I was happy to have spent a few days shooting there, and the series of images have finally ended up in printed form. I worked on the images and sequencing much longer than on any other recent project, and I am very satisfied with the final result. As I have been very fortunate with the support I've already received for my self-publications, I have been marketing the Fatima 'zines in a much more subdued manner. However, if you would like to order one, I do have a handful of copies available in my online shop. And since I realize many folks would like to see some samples of the zine before considering a purchase, I'm sharing some spreads below. As 2017 draws to a close, I am glad to be able to put this project out into the world, since I have several new projects already brewing for 2018.