So happy to reveal my latest project. Well, more than a project, really. Right Eye Dominant is the name of all my photo-related endeavors moving forward. I am still Nick Tauro Jr., I will still maintain this website, I will still produce work under my name. However, I’m going to release all outward facing projects out under the Right Eye Dominant brand. That means my new podcast is called: The Right Eye Dominant Podcast!! I hope you go check it out and subscribe so you’ll hear new episodes as they are released.
I have other grandiose plans that will see the light of day in a randomly assigned manner. My self-publishing (and hopefully future collaborations) will be released under the Right Eye Dominant imprint. What else??? Maybe workshops, maybe travel guiding, maybe exhibitions and curatorial efforts, maybe photo-related merchandise…maybe a multimedia empire. One baby step at a time. Why now? Why not! Life is short, while I’m here, I want to make keep creating. I hope you come along for the ride.
ready for the world…