Hey there friends and followers! A quick note to let you know there is a new series on the website today. Click here or on ONE SIXTY SEVEN on the main page and check out my recent wandering in New York City, prism in hand.
“Caution: Albuquerque” 2024
Back To The Streets
It has been a while since I grabbed a camera and went out with the specific intention to make photographs. So much time in my own head, in my studio, using my hands and my head… but maybe not so much my eyes…
Albuquerque… it is not New York or Paris or Tokyo…for sure… but it is my city and it is a place I know well, even if it confuses me, or frustrates me, or scares me (sometimes, it’s true)…I feel safe in a place I don’t know well, in all honesty (not recognizing threats, perhaps, or ignorant to them, or maybe Albuquerque is genuinely more dangerous than other places???)
Grabbing a big, serious camera and my trusty prism, I headed downtown yesterday for a few hours of wandering. At least during the daytime downtown’s bark is worse than it’s bite. And as is the case for as long as I’ve lived here, things are generally deserted during the weekend, as most storefronts are vacant and the government offices are empty of weekday workers. Add a cloudy, windy, threat of rain sky and conditions were right up my alley.
Using the prism has rejuvenated my enthusiasm for shooting in the streets… it bring a nice degree of serendipity and happenstance to the process, while still staying anchored (albeit very loosely) to reality. I find that complete abstraction ends up being of passing interest to me, in a photograph, anyway. And the truth of the matter is that an image made with a camera does in some way stay connected to the “real world.” Which ultimately is fine with me, as I myself need to stay connected to the “real world,” too.
ready for the world…
2021: 35 Right Eye Dominant
So happy to reveal my latest project. Well, more than a project, really. Right Eye Dominant is the name of all my photo-related endeavors moving forward. I am still Nick Tauro Jr., I will still maintain this website, I will still produce work under my name. However, I’m going to release all outward facing projects out under the Right Eye Dominant brand. That means my new podcast is called: The Right Eye Dominant Podcast!! I hope you go check it out and subscribe so you’ll hear new episodes as they are released.
I have other grandiose plans that will see the light of day in a randomly assigned manner. My self-publishing (and hopefully future collaborations) will be released under the Right Eye Dominant imprint. What else??? Maybe workshops, maybe travel guiding, maybe exhibitions and curatorial efforts, maybe photo-related merchandise…maybe a multimedia empire. One baby step at a time. Why now? Why not! Life is short, while I’m here, I want to make keep creating. I hope you come along for the ride.